
Archive for the ‘The Satanic Verses’ Category

Your kidding right?

June 18, 2007 Leave a comment

So Salman Rushdie wrote a book back in 1988 called “The Satanic Verses”. Personally I have never read the book, but seeing as how it has the Muslims all up in arms, I’m guessing it must be good. The “re-newed” hatred for this guy is because he was Knighted. So since you cant say anything bad about Mohammed or imply or whatever, Muslims have decided to threaten society with suicide bombers. How is it that more people have not seen just how ridiculous this group of nuts is? In the name of “allah”, yes not capitalized for a reason, you are fair game should you say anything bad about them. What is worse is that most of the Middle Eastern governments endorse this sort of thinking.

Here is what I know about Mohammed, take it or leave it. Basically he was a hashish smoking raider who was visited by jinns and was able to lead a group of people into worshiping the moon god over all the others. Not so much mono-theism as you might think hence the phrase “allah ackbar” or “god is greater”, well greater than what? All the other several hundred gods of that time period. Also it is well known what Satan’s motive was and why he was cast out of heaven. He wanted to be “greater” than God. I could go on, but that is not the point of this blog post. My point is, you can reason with this group of people. For them its either “allah’s” way or your dead. Granted Christianity had its misguided time under the sun, but NO WHERE in the bible does Christ tell us to either convert or die by the sword, as is the case with Islam. Which leads to the next thing on my rant list. Why does Christianity get the bad rap all the time? I guess the body has become atrophied in parts. God has given us the choice to accept Him freely, or face eternal hell without Him. However Islam gives you the choice to convert freely or die by the sword and then burn in hell. So all you atheist Christ-haters, go take a good hard look at Islam and tell me what you see.

Pakistan Condemns Rushdie Knighthood